After decades of having these conversations in the counseling room and side by side over coffee with friends, we were compelled this year to create a podcast resource to inspire, equip, and train you to use your everyday conversations to connect others to the love of Christ.
Because we learn better together, we want to encourage you to gather and discuss the podcast. Simply sign up for our emails to receive 3 conversation starting questions, visuals, and handouts for each episode.
S3 Ep. 6/ Ministry of Words: Key elements of everyday ministry
Before we speak, we really have to remain humble enough to recognize that we don’t have all the answers. But when the time does come to speak up, how do we know what to say? What to not say? It’s so nuanced and unique in each situation.
S3 Bonus Episode/ A Conversation with Dr. Curt Thompson
On this episode of Conversational Counseling we are thrilled to have Dr. Curt Thompson share the incredible science of the brain, the Scriptures, how important physical presence is, cultivating community, telling our stories more truly, paying attention to our bodies, suffering, transformation, and more!
S3 Ep. 5/ Asking Questions: Key elements of everyday ministry
Many of us can think of someone who is just really good at asking questions. It can seem like an unobtainable skill, yet it’s really something we can all grow in!
S3 Ep. 4/ Listening: Key elements of everyday ministry
So often, when trouble comes to those we love, we are tempted to be quick to give advice. But the Gospel calls us to listen before we speak. And in our listening, to really seek to know and understand the other person rather than to just try to get information and facts out of them.
S3 Ep. 3/ Ministry of Presence: Key elements of everyday ministry
If we’re going to care for someone, we have to be present with them. But it’s not just being a body in the room, it’s being truly present. Really being an embodied presence so they feel like they’re in the presence of Christ.
S3 Ep. 2/ A Model of Personal Ministry: Key elements of everyday ministry
Ministry is to us, before it’s through us. Until we know how to receive it from the Lord, we’re not going to be able to let it flow through us to other people. As we pause and slow down to think about how Jesus moves towards people, what He asks, what He says, we start to learn how to share the same type of ministry care with others.
S3 Ep. 1/ Preparing Our Hearts: Key elements of everyday ministry
This season of Conversational Counseling is all about equipping you with frameworks to be able to minister more fully to those around you in your everyday life, the ones right in front of you.
S2 Bonus Episode / Sherri Tate's story of forgiveness
Season 2 was all about forgiveness, and we have a special treat for you in this bonus episode... Our dear friend and colleague Sherri Tate shares part of her own story and how the Lord brought her to a place of genuine healing and forgiveness after experiencing compound trauma and abuse.
Sherri bravely shares her story of suffering and even her own sin, graciously dispels myths perpetuated by those within the church that harmed her, and offers a long view of forgiveness full of freedom and redemption that has come and holds hope for the future still.
The stories shared in this episode are not explicit or graphic but they do involve murder, domestic violence and sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse so take caution if these are a part of your own story or if you have children who might be within listening distance.
S2 Ep. 6/ Restore: It's bigger than forgiveness
This season has been all about forgiveness, both what it is, but also what it isn’t. This episode is about restoration. We have to orient vertically to the safety we have in Christ. He's the only one who ultimately is not going to let us down. It's only from that place of safety, that we're going to be able to venture out into the risk of any relationship.
S2 Ep. 5/ Reconciliation: It's bigger than forgiveness
This season, we’re talking about forgiveness, both what it is, but also what it isn’t. This episode is about reconciliation. Reconciliation is where we’re clearing away the rubble and beginning to repair the ruins of the relationship and the hearts that are involved.
S2 Ep. 4/ Overlooking or Confronting: It's bigger than forgiveness
This whole season, we’re looking at forgiveness… both what it is, but also what it isn’t. Our conversation on this episode is about discerning when to overlook and when to confront.
S2 Ep. 3/ Release: It's bigger than forgiveness
In this season, we’re looking at forgiveness, both what it is but also what it isn’t. This episode, we talk through what it looks like to release someone from personal vengeance and bitterness.
S2 Ep.2/ Remember: It’s bigger than forgiveness
This season we're looking at forgiveness... what it is, but also what it isn't. In this episode we explore the reality that what we remember, what we rehearse and hold onto, impacts our lives and relationships.
S2 Ep.1/ Receive: It’s bigger than forgiveness
This season, we talking about the topic of forgiveness. So often forgiveness is equated with complete repair and restoration of relationships. What we'd like to do, is look at what it means to walk in forgiveness and how it can really impact our relationships.
Bonus Episode: Introductions
In this episode, Brenda and Alex introduce themselves and their heart for you and this podcast... They're not trying to make professionals out of everyone, but just help meet you in your everyday life and everyday situations so you can enjoy and invite others into the comfort and change Jesus offers.
Ep.6/ Show Up, Shut Up, Speak Up
One of the things that is the biggest danger to good listening and good speaking up is assuming things. I have to be willing to wade in and ask questions and kind of open up every part of what they’re telling me.
Ep.5/ Character of God: Sovereignty, Wisdom and Love
There's something particular about suffering that makes us ask the question why? And why me? If we can't orient to the truest truth, we really begin to be tossed about.
Ep.4/ Gospel Waltz: Confess, Believe, Love
God's love is inexhaustible. He's like, "I'm going to stand with you. And I'm going to give you the grace and the power and let you know that I love you.”
Ep.3/ The "Tions": Justification, Sanctification, Glorification
Justification is nothing to prove, nothing to lose. Because God says I'm not guilty, I don't have to prove anything. I don't have anything to lose. I'm free.
Ep.2/ Superpowers
If you're asking yourself how you're going to do this, Brenda and Alex offer you some hope to know that you are not alone!