After decades of having these conversations in the counseling room and side by side over coffee with friends, we were compelled this year to create a podcast resource to inspire, equip, and train you to use your everyday conversations to connect others to the love of Christ.
Because we learn better together, we want to encourage you to gather and discuss the podcast. Simply sign up for our emails to receive 3 conversation starting questions, visuals, and handouts for each episode.
S4 Ep. 9 / Perfectionism
Have you ever felt like you are constantly striving for something that is never quite good enough? Or maybe you just feel like you're always falling a little short? If so, then this episode might be especially for you. This week’s common struggle is perfectionism. Whether we can see it in small areas or all throughout our lives, perfectionism can quickly become exhausting, exacting and exasperating! However, the gospel provides freedom from the many things that can drive the perfectionism in all of us.
S4 Ep. 8 / Fear of Man
We were created to be known and know others deeply - but people pleasing distorts that into an inordinate desire for approval or inordinate fear of disapproval. These desires and fears can lead us into patterns of overcommitment, excessive worrying, over sensitivity, and over achievement.
S4 Ep. 5 / Guilt
The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict us, but that conviction is an open invitation to repent and lean back into our relationship with God. Condemnation drives us away from Him and leads us into despair, but conviction is a gift that leads us into a better understanding of God’s Law and our relationship with Him.