After decades of having these conversations in the counseling room and side by side over coffee with friends, we were compelled this year to create a podcast resource to inspire, equip, and train you to use your everyday conversations to connect others to the love of Christ.
Because we learn better together, we want to encourage you to gather and discuss the podcast. Simply sign up for our emails to receive 3 conversation starting questions, visuals, and handouts for each episode.
S6 Ep. 5 / Peggy Bruning: Help When You Love an Addict
Drug use and abuse is a growing epidemic. And every struggler has a loved one. The grief of watching someone self-destruct can be agonizing. What are some of the things that can lead someone down a path of addiction? And what are some of the things that can truly help them?
S6 Ep. 2 / Marnie Ferree: Help When Your Spouse Betrays You
Having herself been the betrayer, Marnie found out decades into her marriage that she had been betrayed. She shares her story from childhood up until just a couple of years ago with honesty and great hope, and in a way that is applicable to each of us as we've all experienced betrayal in some way.